Moon August
Moon August
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Moon August is an energetic contemporary jazz sextet based in Baltimore.  Greg Hatza formed the group in 1974.  It is still oCurrent members of Moon August: Greg Hatza, Harold Adams, Robert Dupree, Major Boyd, Mitchell Coates, Ryan Diehlne of the most popular contemporary groups in the area.  Through the years, the group has released five recordings.

Selected as the number one jazz group from over fifty contestants at the First Annual Jazz Quest held at the 1983 Eubie Blake Festival, Moon August increased their notoriety in the Baltimore/Washington area.  Their consistent appearance at the major festivals in the area includes the Baltimore City Fair, Artscape 1983, 1985, 1987, and as a featured performer at the Artscape 1988, The Kool Jazz Festival, and was an annual featured performer at the Johns Hopkins Spring Fair.  Additionally, Moon August was named as the number one jazz band in the Maryland/Washington area by Maryland Musician Magazine from 1985 to 1987.

In 1990, Moon August was chosen by the Washington D.C. Council of the Arts to perform at the San Remo Jazz Festival.  Also appearing at the festival were
Dizzy Gillespie, the United Nations Band, the McCoy Tyner All Stars, and the Terence Blanchard Quintet.

In 1999, Moon August was awarded the title, "Cultural Ambassadors," for the city of Baltimore under Mayor Schmocke.  The group traveled to Kawasaki, Japan for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Kawasaki/Baltimore Sister City Exchange.  While there,  Moon August performed in a series of concerts and appeared in some television interviews.

Notable quotes on Moon August:

 "Jazz?  Fusion?  New Age?  BeBop?  What to call it?  Both Greg Hatza and Major  Boyd have run the musical gamut, and so have the pidgeon-holing explications that have followed them."
        - Mark Bounds
          Jazz Sessions

"MOON" offers high energy jazz."
        - Don Ferguson
Intelligencer Journal

 "...Technical virtuosity aside, the real strength of Moon August is the group's joy of playing."
        - Jack Davison
Baltimore Sun

 "Infectious.... joyful....rivaled."
Washington Post